Sunday, July 24, 2016

Khao Pad Gai

For us, one of the main reasons to keep visiting Bangkok is Thai food. Every time we decided to go there and when the plan is agreed upon, we start looking for new kinds of authentic Thai food to taste. Thailand is a food paradise, contrary to the popular belief held by the conventional fat-bellied Sri Lankans who think every dish in the world should look like rice and curry and come in a plate the size of a wash basin. 

So we launch an internet journey to find new kinds of food. This typically goes on for several weeks, and then we either take print-outs or copy the list into our phones. 

Howoever, once we are in Bangkok and once we decide to eat, we realize the effort we put into preparing the bloody list was just a waste of time. The conversation generally goes like this. 

"What shall we eat?" 

"We have a list, don't we?"

"Don't think this place has any of them..." 

"How would you tell? You didn't even take a look at the list." 

"I remember the list..."

"No you don't.."

"Yes I do..."

"Okay then, what shall we eat...?" 

"Kao Pad, as usual?" 

"Yep, Kao Pad sounds good..." 

"Okay then, Kao Pad it is..." 

Kao Pad is the Thai fried rice. One of the most common, and easily available dishes in Thai food stalls. If you haven't tried this yet, you don't have a clue about Thai food culture. 

So, the next time you visit Thailand, run to the first stall you see, and ask for a Kao Pad Gai, which is Thai Chicken Fried Rice. Trust me, you'll thank us...